Three Ways a Wine Cellar Will Enhance Your Home

Group toasting with glasses of wine

What is a wine cellar?

Whether you’re hosting guests, enjoying dinner with your loved ones, or just relaxing on a quiet night, a glass of wine just makes everything better. With wine being so important, why not take the next step and build a wine cellar in your home?

An unopened bottle of wine has an expiration date, so you only have so long before it goes to waste. Wine cellars are temperature- and humidity-controlled rooms where a bottle of wine can safely age. A wine cellar conversion can be done in a room as large as a basement or as small as a closet.

Build a Sophisticated Collection

Wine is a fine craft, with hundreds of varieties by wineries all over the world each producing their own distinct blends and unique flavors. Just outside our doorstep is the Finger Lakes wine region. Imagine your own wine cellar with different local wines, each bottle telling a story of the Finger Lakes. Building a wine collection also ensures you always have the right wine on hand for any occasion.

Enjoy with your Guests

A wine cellar can be the centerpiece of your home and a wine collection is something which everyone at your hosted event can enjoy. The fine craftsmanship that goes into making the perfect environment to safely store and age wines means you’ll always have a favorite variety or a new wine to try.

Increase Home Value

Adding a wine cellar is a great way to increase the value of your home. In 2017, reported that wine cellars are the most desired amenity by 31% of home buyers with $150,000 in household income, so a wine cellar can make your home stand out from the rest. Whether it’s a full-room conversion with elegant wooden walls featuring hundreds of bottles or a large closet converted to preserve your favorite wines, a wine cellar can make your home irresistible should you decide to sell.

If you want to learn more about converting a space in your home into a wine cellar, we invite you to visit our showroom or get in touch with us for a free design consultation.

Custom wine cellar addition by Bernhardt’s Remodeling